Ingram Library Services

Ingram Library Services is a premier services partner in providing books and audio-visual materials to public, academic, specialty, and school libraries.

David Brooks, Ingram Library Services Director of Sales, said, “I have the privilege of working with a dedicated team of sales, operations, and technical services library champions to ensure materials are expeditiously processed and shipped to libraries across the country.”  

Below, he shares his thoughts on the importance of reading and supporting the local community.

How has reading impacted you?

Reading has had a great impact on my personal and professional life. I was the proverbial young male student who didn’t find pleasure in recreational reading until I entered college. In college, I was fortunate to have some great professors who challenged me to expand my mindset by suggesting books beyond the textbook to help me foster a joy in discovery and expanding knowledge on a wide array of topics. As a professional, I make a concerted effort of reading, minimally the Sunday newspaper, coupled with daily reading of top stories from varied news outlets on my phone. Reading is the catalyst that helped me become the lifelong learner that I am today.

Why is it important for your company to support the local community?

I’m a firm proponent of being a part of something bigger than yourself. Having volunteered in various capacities, ranging from Boys and Girls Club to being a coach for youth athletics, I have experienced the power and impact of supporting your local community. Ingram Content Group works in earnest to improve the communities where we live and work by empowering associates to give their time, talent, or dollars to further support their myriad of needs within our local community. Ingram has numerous associates who actively participate in various roles with a wide array of charitable organizations, including the United Way to help make our communities stronger. A prospering community is essential for attracting talented people to help Ingram thrive as an organization.

What motivates your company to support the Williamson County Library?

Libraries are the foundation of every community, including Williamson County. As such, particularly now with the evolving political and social unrest in America, it’s paramount that Ingram continues to support Williamson County Library to expand its suite of services, such as children’s programs, teen programs, homework help and much more to broaden the impact among various library stakeholders.

What is your favorite book?

I was recently asked this question and replied with The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom. However, after some reflection, I would say I don’t have a favorite book, but rather a fondness for biographies and historical nonfiction, as I’m fascinated by the resiliency, ingenuity, selflessness of the human experience during challenging times.


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